miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016


Fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge. Only fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7

Who is wise but the one that in stead of only knowing, does what he knows. What purpose does it have God’s advice, if it is not followed? It’s like having a Ferrari and not running it, it’s like being sick and not taking the prescription, It’s like being in the dark and not using the flashlight in our hand.


The human body is the physical and material structure of being humano. El human body consists of head, trunk and extremities; the arms are the upper extremities and the lower legs.
The human body is a complex machine.

Learning the body schema directly involved in the formation of an identity in children.
Recognition of his face and body as well as the discovery that these same elements are in their little friends, are pieces that gradually integrate their notion of the individual
That is why its development in the lessons must be constant and varied. Identity, properly formed, will make our children more accepting people as they are, and learn to accept others, regardless of differences.
